See attachment 1


Assignment: A Plan to Improve Service
In this assignment, you will use what you learned about analytics, and customer feedback to improve service.

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:

MT221-5: Analyze customer feedback for improved service.

Read the scenario and then follow and complete the comic book provided.

Scenario: A company called Business Executive has been in business for one year with miraculous success. Their newest product, a laptop bag that has built-in legs and allows the business person to simply unzip the bag and fold down the legs, needs some changes. Customer service has been inundated in the last 48 hours since the launch of product 7 on their website. There were presales allowed for priority customers, with promised arrival of their new laptop bag and stand on the day of launch in Los Angeles. The customer service analytics started populating from the pacific time zone and rolled out across the world with just a 1015-minute delay. This company has stores in various major airports throughout the world and a website where its customers are located. Their call centers are located in Los Angeles, CA; Des Moines, IA; Albany, NY; the United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica, France, Germany, India, Hong Kong, and South Africa.


Follow along with the to see the results of this product launch from the customer service standpoint. After reading the scenario and analyzing the analytics, fill in the comic book in a minimum of 8090 words for each of the 6 checklist items provided in the presentation.



  • A synopsis of the problem and priorities in addressing it (a, b, c, etc.).
  • An analysis of target customers feedback.
  • An analysis of the call center problem.
  • An explanation as to how to improve customer service based on customer feedback.
  • An explanation as to how resolving the call center problem will improve the customer experience.
  • An action plan.