Selective reading

Select ONE of these readings: A Presentation of Whales, The Border Patrol State, The Advocacy Responsibility of the Scientist
Explain how this course reading engages with multiple viewpoints about the situation posed. How does this reading show the complexity that comes with answering the question of how to think about the situation and what should be done about it In considering multiple perspectives, make sure to recognize differences even within a group (such as not all scientists agreeing with other scientists in A Presentation of Whales”). You may also consider the implications for different aspects of the situation such as economics, power struggles, ethics, prejudices, spiritual or religious concerns, scientific concerns, etc.  As part of your support, your essay should include at least 4 different quotes from the reading– could be what someone said in the reading, could be what the author wrote. If a quote is what someone said in the reading, make sure you cite both nameswho said the thing and the authors name, like this: Michael Piper from the environmental organization of Greenpeace said about the beached whales, I knew, almost from the beginning, that we were not going to get them out of there, and that even if we did, their chances of survival were a million to one (cited in Lopez, 70).
What do YOU think? After considering the various viewpoints inspired by the reading, include at least one developed paragraph indicating what YOU think should have been done in this situation, or about the issues described, and why.
Finally, how are the issues described of importance to other situations and contexts? For example, how could the issues described relate to what would be done in a particular career that isnt just the one(s) described by the author, how does it create a moral question that relates to a decision you might make in your daily life and what would you do as a result of your perspective, or how do the issues relate to something from the news/current event?

Include in-text citations within your essay. Here are some sample in-text citations:

Biologically, wolves can and will live almost any place where people will tolerate them (Mech 315)
According to Mech, Biologically, wolves can and will live almost any place where people will tolerate them (315).
[indirect citation where the author we are reading quotes someone] Michael Piper from the environmental organization of Greenpeace said, I knew, almost from the beginning, that we were not going to get them out of there, and that even if we did, their chances of survival were a million to one (cited in Lopez, 70).
Environmental Issues and Ethics
Environmental Issues and Ethics
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Support- Own

Perspectives and Reasons
2 pts
Well done
Develops and supports own perspective
1 pts
Needs improvement
Gives own perspective but doesn’t develop reasoning
0 pts
No credit
Own perspective not given or very brief and unsupported.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Support- Use of Reading (Quotes)
2 pts
Well done
At least 4 quotes from the reading, properly quoted and cited. Careful reading is shown.
1 pts
Needs improvement
Lacks sufficient quotes/details from the reading, or you could use improvement in quote integration.
0 pts
No credit
No quotes are brought in; careful reading not shown.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Multiple Perspectives
2 pts
Well done
Gives/explores multiple perspectives in an accurate way.
1 pts
Needs improvement
Names multiple perspectives, but some are portrayed inaccurately or the reasons behind them are not explored.
0 pts
No Credit
Doesn’t explore multiple perspectives.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Extends Issues To Other Contexts
2 pts
Well done
Develops specific example(s) of how the issues involved extend to other particular situations beyond those described in the reading.
1 pts
Needs improvement
Considers at least one other context, but it is vague/general or does not really explain how the issues explored affect decision making in the new context.
0 pts
No Credit
Does not consider how the issues described can be extended to another specific context.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Style- spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure
2 pts
Well done
Writing is clear and appears well edited. A few minor places you could edit further may be present.
1 pts
Needs improvement
Could use more editing and grammar practice, but your point can be mostly understood.
0 pts
No Credit
Clearly not edited. There are multiple grammar areas you should work on. It may be difficult for someone to understand what you wrote.
2 pts
Total Points: 10