Setting Supply Standards


How will setting supply chain standards improve supply chain management?

For this case study please read the article below concerning the government setting supply chain standards to enable better integration within the supply chain. This article and your background articles should provide you with a good start on writing a 5-6 page paper discussing the following issue. Please supplement the paper with other references of your choice.

Thibodeau, P., (2002). Supply chain standards up for federal funding. Computerworld, 36(42). Retrieved on December 9, 2014, from ProQuest. (EBSCO Accession Number 7587647)

Abstract: Congress is considering legislation authorizing $47 million to help develop supply chain integration standards The legislation, the Enterprise Integration Act of 2002, has been approved by the US. House and is pending in the Senate. It has no apparent opposition and is backed by industry groups.

Assignment Expectations

Research the topic with information from the background readings as well as any other resources you find on your own. The paper should be 5-6 pages in length and have a cover sheet and a reference page. Clarity of presentation is important, as well as your ability to cover the topic in a succinct, organized manner with research to back up your points. Use at least 3 different sources of information and annotate your sources of information appropriately on your references page and within the text as necessary. You will be assessed on how well you develop this case and demonstrate your understanding of the overall concept of supply chain integration and its many benefits.

Please review attached document for background reading