SH: Assignment: 2.2 Written Assignment #2: Fennimore & DAP


Two-page assignment: please see the attachment for assignment material.

Choose at least three of the following reflection questions (see below) from the ends of the chapters of the Fennimore text (one question per chapter please).  Provide a reflective answer to the question that incorporates

  1. statements to evidence your knowledge and understanding of the Fennimore text related to the question (which could go beyond the individual chapter);
  2. how the content/concept connects to DAP** practices (provide specific markers/page numbers) including a statement that clearly connects the content to DAP practice; and
  3. reflection of where you are on the professional pathway to becoming an ethical, moral leader and advocate and teacher implementing DAP as related to the questions content. 

Please label which questions you are answering! Answer the questions individually.

 Choose (at least) three questions representing two different chapters:

  • Chapter 1: #3 or #5
  • Chapter 2: #3 or #4
  • Chapter 3: #3, #4 or #5
  • Chapter 5: #3 or #5
  • Chapter 6: #3 or #5

** DAP practice refers to the Green NAEYC  Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children Birth to Age 8  text