Shakespeare’s Othello, acts 1-2.

Answer all questions. Be sure to include examples from the text to support your position. That is crucial. You are making arguments, so use the text to support that argument.

Format all submissions using MLA standards.

1. Who is Roderigo and what does he want from Iago?

2. How would you describe Othello’s speech before the Venetian authorities in act 1? In the same speech, how does he describe his love for Desdemona?

3. Where and how does Iago use the language of deception in act 2?

4. In acts 1-2, what picture do we get of Othello’s view of himself, his self-identity?

5. How would you describe Othello’s language upon greeting Desdemona once the two are reunited in Cyprus? Does his language reveal a strength of character or a potential character flaw, or both? Explain.