Short Film Response

Basic Information
Topic: Response to a short film assigned in week 8 of the course

Length: 250-450 words

Format: MLA paper format

Submitting Your Work: When you are ready, please upload your work as a .doc or .pdf. Name your work LastName_TitleofAssignment

In this brief activity, you will utilize the vocabulary discussed this week to identify and write about the various elements of film in the following short film.

Use conventions of standard American English
Demonstrate competence in critical reading skills
Construct a thesis
Organize supporting details
Assignment Task:
First, read any articles or watch the videos assigned for this activity. You will be writing and responding to this reading or video; you will also devote time to communicating your insights regarding the topic.

Basic Information
Topic: Response to a short film assigned in week 8 of the course

Length: 250-450 words

Format: MLA paper format

Submitting Your Work: When you are ready, please upload your work as a .doc or .pdf. Name your work LastName_TitleofAssignment

In this brief activity, you will utilize the vocabulary discussed this week to identify and write about the various elements of film in the following short film.

Use conventions of standard American English
Demonstrate competence in critical reading skills
Construct a thesis
Organize supporting details

Assignment Task:
First, read any articles or watch the videos assigned for this activity. You will be writing and responding to this reading or video; you will also devote time to communicating your insights regarding the topic.

Checklist for Key Requirements
250-450 words
Not a summary of the film
Claims backed by evidence that is then analyzed
No grammatical errors
Use of the third person only; avoid first or second person
Strong verbs
College-level vocabulary

Assignment Materials:
Film as Text I: Discussing Film
Film as Text II: The Mechanics of Film