!!!!!please use case study attached and template to complete !!!important!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!as picking an appropriate intervention when working with clients is a key part of our work with clients, particularly with clients who are in crisis or who have experienced a traumatic event.This assignment represents the fourth of the case studies and involves identifying a treatment intervention that can be used when working with clients experiencing sexual trauma.

please use empirical research to locate an appropriate intervention specific to the case study. See the Clarification of Intervention document. You may use articles from the Mental Health Counseling Guide or from other sources, as long as the intervention is grounded in research. Write a paper that includes the following: Provide a brief description of the intervention including: 

(1) to whom it can be applied 

(2) under what circumstances it can be applied 

(3) any limitations to the intervention that should be considered Provide rationale for choosing the selected approach for the case study. Include an explanation for why selecting that intervention will help your work with the selected case study client, and provide appropriate support. Describe how the intervention can be used in future work when supporting the treatment approaches for clients. Provide a link to the intervention within the body of the paper (or upload the PDF) so your instructor can easily identify and reference

: This short paper should follow the Intervention Paper Template. It should be 2 to 4 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references should be cited in APA format.