Signature Assignment: Professional Goals

Assignment Content

  1. Refer to the BSHA Program and Certificate Options resource in this weeks learning activities to help you with this assignment. If you have little or no previous health care experience, complete Option 1 below. If you have currently work in the health care field or have previous health care experience, complete Option 2.

    Select and complete Option 1 or Option 2 below.

    Option 1: Email to Friend
    Imagine you received this email from one of your friends:
    Hey, I know youre in a health administration program at University of Phoenix. I was thinking about enrolling in it too, but Im still unsure if its the right fit for me. Can you tell me what you think of the program and how you think it will help your career?

    Write a 350- to 700-word response to your friend in which you do the following:

    • Describe the purpose of the Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA) program.
    • Describe how you believe this program will help you achieve your goals.
    • Option 2: Personal Reflection
      Write a 350- to 700-word personal reflection in which you do the following:
    • Describe the purpose of the Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA) program.
    • Describe how you believe this program will help you achieve your goals.
    • Describe how your past or current health care experience helps you get the most out of the Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA) program.
    • Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

      Note: The assignment rubric will only evaluate the shared (common) elements of Options 1 and 2.