Simple Regression: 3

Is lack of preschool associated with reading scores?

Using the AECF state data, the regression below measures the effect of the state’s percentage of younf children not in preschoolon the percentage of 4th graders with below basic reading scores.

%belowbasicread = β0 + β1x%nopreschool + u

Stata Output

1) Please write out the regression equation using the coefficients in the table


2) Please provide an interpretation of the coefficient for nopresch


3) How does the model fit?


4) What is the NULL hypothesis for a T test about a regression coefficient?


5) What is the ALTERNATE hypothesis for a T test about a regression coefficient?


6) Look at the p value for the coefficient nopresch.

a) Report the p value


b) How many stars would it get if we used our standard convention?

* p ≤ .1   ** p ≤ .05   *** p ≤ .01


7) Look at the 95% confidence interval for the coefficient on nopresch. Does it contain zero?


