See attached. Formal Presentation: You will be reporting to the Governor all of your findings, actions, and remedies during this PowerPoint presentation. It is vitally important to focus on issues that you identified and why/how you dealt with those issues. Your presentation must be professionally presented with appropriate transitions, animations, video (if utilized), notes from interviews you may have had with real-life experts, and highly detailed with specificity. This will be an in-class presentation and you should have at least 15 slides. The draft of this is due in Module 7, the final version is due in Module 8. Note: Feel free to exercise as much creative license as you need. You are expected to improvise and create effects from your inquiry such as recruiting informants, obtaining subpoenas, executing search warrants, or partnering with a community civic leader. You may add to the situational report, i.e.: You identified two officers who were aware of Throtmorten’s crimes, but you cannot take out or disregard any facts that are contained within the report. So, feel free to be very creative in what you discover from your inquiry!