Slack Final Assignment

Pick one question to respond to in 200-300 words. Tell us which question you
chose at the beginning of your answer.

In Specters of East Asia: Okinawa, Taiwan, and Korea, Choi Jinseok writes, I
will therefore refer to myself not as minority, but as multiplicity (Choi 55). What
does multiplicity mean and how does this term change and complicate how we
can think about the history of racism, colonialism, and historical injustice in Japan
and, more broadly, East Asia?

Both Shimotsuma monogatari (Kamikaze Girls) and Helter Skelter are portrayals
of hyper-consumerist and fashion-driven (sub)cultures in Japan. Using any of the
readings from this quarter, discuss how each film represents the relationship
between consumer cultures and ideas surrounding gender roles, sexuality, desire,
and the aesthetics of beauty. What cultural or social critiques might these
representations offer?

Reflection (10%) By March 12

You will turn in a 500-word reflection on a topic of your choice from the course syllabus to respond to the following prompt: What is something from this class that you connected with meaningfully? Why is this topic important to you? How can you use this topic to explain a facet of culture, society, or history, or even your personal experiences? In a short, 500-word reflection, respond to these questions in a style of your choice. You may choose to create a voice recording instead of writing a short essay. Reflections will be uploaded to Canvas to the Assignments page with specific instructions.