Small Change Project

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The topic interested in Long-term Care Resources

Answer the following questions on the AHRQ guide to innovation:

Please answer the question and include them in the PowerPoint

  • Add pictures
  • Reference
  • Citation


1.Does the innovation fit?

1.What is the innovation?

2.Does it further our goals?

3.Is it compatible with our organization?

2.Should we do it here?

2.What are the potential benefits? Costs?

3.Can we build a business case?

4.What are the risks?

3.Can we do it here?

3.Are we ready for this change?

4.What changes will we have to make?

5.Do we have the ingredients for success?

4.How will we do it here?

4.How will we measure the impact of the innovation?

5.Can we try the innovation first?

6.How will we implement the innovation?


After answering the AHRQ Questions for Innovation, create PowerPoint presentation

  • Brief introductory summary
  • Change and why important
  • Impact of change on performance
  • Identification of who is involved with change and help facilitating change
  • Plan for implementation


Use 3 reputable resources in APA

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