SMGT 506 – Written Assignment: Sport Organization Revenue & Expenses Assignment

Written Assignment: Sport Organization Revenue and Expenses Assignment Instructions


Based on official information from financial statements and reports or well-developed estimates in the popular financial press, list the revenue sources and amounts and major expenses and amounts of a sport related business entity (professional sports club, college athletic department, youth travel club, major sports event, sport governing body, summer camp, health and fitness club, sport equipment or apparel company). Provide a short executive summary of the core operational elements of the enterprise- the main revenues and expenses- and comment on any recent or anticipated changes and trends in revenues and expenses.


The written text should be 2-3 pages in length.

o The page count excludes the title page, abstract, reference list and any appendices.

Use the most current editions APA formatting guidelines.

Support your work with a minimum of three sources that you formally cite and list.

The sources should be high quality, relevant and come from outside of the course materials. You may use and cite the course text, but you are required to use and cite three sources in addition to the course text.

Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.