snhu mkt113 module 3 Final Project Part I Milestone One”>2-2 Final Project Part I Milestone One: SWOT Analysis and DiscussionClick the above link to access the discussion board area. Each week’s discussion prompt will become available upon that module’s start date. This milestone will be submitted via the discussion board.Complete the assignment as follows: Using the”>Milestone One SWOT Template provided conduct a SWOT for the pet supply store’s new product. Consider how this information can help to develop the marketing strategy. You will post your SWOT to the discussion board as an image. In your post discuss which of the product’s strengths you will be leveraging in your marketing activities. In addition to your SWOT matrix image include one to two paragraphs describing how the company could use this information to develop marketing strategies and activities. Use specific details and examples. In your response posts to your classmates discuss how the company’s threats or weaknesses could affect your classmates’ proposed marketing activities. For additional details please refer to the Final Project Part I Document and the Final Project Part I Milestone One Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.