Social Identity theory

(the topic I selected was Social identity theory)

1). Traditional Research Paper

If you select this option, I would like you to choose a topic we have gone over during the semester. This topic can be anything from a specific theory (e.g., Social Identity Theory) to a broad topic like gender differences throughout development (or during a certain stage if you think it is interesting).

The goal of this paper is to investigate and explore the topic that interests you. During your paper you need to address the following prompts:

(1) Why is this topic interesting? You dont necessarily need to convince me to be interested, but I want to know why you think it is interesting.

(2) What are some common research topics within this area of interest?

Example: Does a specific theory pop up often in the research?

Example: Are there any controversies that are getting a lot of attention?

(3) What are some future directions researchers are interested in? What kind of questions do you think would be interesting?

Hint: Look at limitations and future direction sections of articles for ideas.

Grading Criteria:

Formatting: 10 points

3 page minimum (Not including references).

12pt Times New Roman font.

Double Spaced paragraphs.

APA Formatting and reference section.

Prompts: 70 points

Address all three (3) of the above prompts.

I will be looking for thoroughness and accuracy. Make sure you spend enough time explaining your topic and are accurate in your reporting of the works you cite.

Hint: If there is something that pops up in every article you read, you should probably mention it.

Sources: 20 points

Minimum of 3 scholarly sources (journal articles, conference proceedings, thesis, etc.) published after 2012 not found in your book.

Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (journal articles, conference proceedings, thesis, etc.) published after 1500 (not a typo).

Hint: These can be from your book.

2). Narrative Research Paper

If you select this option, I would like you to write me a little story. I want you to imagine a family is about to add a member to the family. Starting at conception or some later point, I would like you to take me through this persons cognitive development paying special attention to the influences of social groups. You can focus on a specific time period (e.g., adolescence, middle-childhood, adulthood) rather than the entire lifespan.

The goal of this paper is to think about the material we have been covering in the context of an actual lifespan and what that would look like. During the paper you need to address the following prompts:

(1) What is this person like?

What is their family like?

What is their background?

Any other details?

(2) After you have described the person, I want you to describe the following:

How may the makeup/attitudes of the family influence the development of your imaginary person?

E.g., social norms, self-concept, prosocial behaviors.

How do social groups or cultural norms influence this person?

Grading Criteria:

Formatting: 10 points

3 page minimum (Not including references).

12pt Times New Roman font.

Double Spaced paragraphs.

APA Formatting and reference section.

Prompts: 70 points

Address the 2 prompts above.

I will be looking for thoughtfulness and incorporation of the material covered in class.

Hint: Use the description of your person in Prompt 1 to set yourself up for success in Prompt 2.

Example (hint): Jane Doe was raised in a highly conservative/liberal family. When interacting with people who belong to different political groups, research shows (cite research) they are more likely to (insert behavior here).

You will need to include sources when answering prompt 2.

Sources: 20 points

Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (journal articles, conference proceedings, thesis, etc.) published after 2012 not found in your book.

Minimum of 3 scholarly sources (journal articles, conference proceedings, thesis, etc.) published after 1500 (not a typo).