Social Penetration and Theory Relational Dialectics Theory (RDT

This assignment allows you to demonstrate your ability to integrate communication theory to develop a new explanation for a real-world communication issue that interests you. You will choose two or three theories that we consider during the course. (An abbreviated list of theories is provided below, but feel free to go beyond that list.) Your 7-10 page paper will discuss how the integration of the two theories could enhance our explanations of a communication issue of your interest. You have flexibility to craft this assignment to suit your needs and interests. In general, your paper should include (1) a discussion (brief literature review) of the theories and how they have been applied to your area of interest, (2) description and rationale of the integration of the theories, and (3) a brief analytic example to illustrate how the theories illuminate your communication problem or phenomena. For example, your paper may address what combinations of theories can be used to evaluate current media, analyze online community engagement, or understand the environmental risk communication about siting nuclear waste facilities.