social problems

This paper will be an analysis of the intersection of two inequalities discussed within our course.  The paper will be approximately 4-5 pages (1000 words), double spaced, 12pt font, times new roman, APA style.

impsons – S05E14 – Lisa versus Malibu Stacey (found in Module 4 in clip form or on Disney Plus for the full episode) as connected with the topic of Gender.


A sitcom, or situation comedy, is a short television show in the comedy genre where the characters and storylines carry over from episode to episode.  These storylines are often at least somewhat reflective of the daily lives and struggles of modern day society.  In this assignment, you are tasked with analyzing the reflection of a modern sitcom episode through the scope of the course material and key foundational theories.

What you need to do:

Watch the sitcom episode (or pertinent clips).
While watching take note of the way this particular episode touches upon key course concepts from the lecture or textbook.
Also consider which of the foundational theories (one of the four as identified in the first lecture) are most relevant to the sitcom episode.
Write up a well argued and structured paper as to how the episode reflects these course concepts and theory.
Support your claims with citations from the text or peer-reviewed sources.
Paper Structure

Title Page (must include Paper Title, Your Name, Student Number, Due Date)
Introductory paragraph (introducing the episode, the key concepts you will be discussing and the theory)
Analysis paragraphs of three key course concepts (BRIEFLY explaining the concept) in the sitcom episode and why they are important in everyday society
Analysis paragraph of the matching key foundational theory (BRIEFLY explaining the theory) in the sitcom episode and why it is relevant to the particular episode.
Concluding paragraph (do NOT use the phrase In conclusion)
Formatting Details

12 Point, Times New Roman, Standard Margins
APA citation style
1000-1250 words (4-5 pages of content) – Word count will be enforced.  While a small buffer plus and minus will be in place (50-100 words), anything under and below or over and above will be considered as not abiding by the word count.
Turnitin will be used.  There are multiple submissions, so I would suggest checking your similarity report on submission and adjust accordingly.
Marking Guide

Connection to Course Concepts – 15 marks (3 course concepts at 5 marks each)

Are appropriate course concepts chosen?
Are the concepts well explained in the student’s own words?
Are the course concepts well linked to the sitcom episode?
Are sources sufficiently used to analyze these concepts in relation to the episode?
Is there a level of analysis/reflection on the course concepts as they appear in the episode?
Connection to Theory – 5 marks

Is a foundational theory chosen?
How well does the foundational theory match the sitcom episode?
Is the foundational theory well explained briefly in the student’s own words?
Is the foundational theory well linked to the sitcom episode?
Style – 10 marks

Does the paper meet the formatting guidelines?
Is APA citation style properly used, both in text and in the reference list?
Is the word count followed?
Is the paper well written and proofread?  Does the paper have decent flow and structure?  Are there any typos?  Does the writing of the paper support or hinder the student’s arguments?