Social Relationships In Church During Late Life

Journal Assignment: Week 12 due April 15, 2022



Complete an article summary from a professional journal (Marriage and Family, Social & Personal Relationships, Personal Relationships etc.).  The summary should be between 2-3 pages and demonstrate integration of information from the text and lecture discussions.  Articles must be approved by Dr. Gillians in advance of deadline date.  A copy of the article must be submitted with the completed paper. If the article is not included, ten points will be deducted from this assignment.


Requirements of your discussion paper:


  1. Typewritten (1 inch margins, 12 point font Courier/Times New Roman, double-spaced)
  2. 2-3 pages (You must complete a minimum of two pages. Less than two pages will result in a reduction of your overall score).


Rubric: 100 Points Possible

50 Presentation/Summary of Article in your own words
30 Integration of information from text and lecture discussions
20 Writing (clarity, grammar/spelling)


Due: Week 12 due April 15, 2022

Grading Rubric:










100 You completely address all parts of this assignment and communicate in a clear and concise manner. Where possible and appropriate, you go beyond the requirements to advance a

sophisticated and in-depth understanding, and offer insightful interpretations or extensions (generalizations, applications, and analogies). APA Style of Writing: Format, Indentation, Page Numbers, Cover Page, Reference Page.



25 point deduction

You address the most important aspects and communicate clearly. You

demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts; however, you overlooked or misunderstood important ideas or details. This includes spelling and grammatical errors. APA Style of Writing: Format, Indentation, Page Numbers, Cover Page, Reference Page.



50 point deduction

You addressed some of the important aspects of this assignment and communicate clearly. You

demonstrate there are gaps in your conceptual understanding. APA Style of Writing: Format, Indentation, Page Numbers, Cover Page, Reference Page.



75 point deduction

You minimally addressed this assignment, and demonstrate only a basic understanding. APA Style of Writing: Format, Indentation, Page Numbers, Cover Page, Reference Page).


100 point deduction

You did not address/complete this assignment at all. APA Style of Writing: Format, Indentation, Page Numbers, Cover Page, Reference Page.




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Malebranche, David. (2003). Black men who have sex with men and the HIV epidemic:  Next Steps for Public Health.  American Journal of Public Health, 93,  862-865.


Murry, V. M., Harrel, A. W., Brody, G. H., Yi-Fu, C., Simons, R. L., Black, A. R., & … Gibbons, F. X. (2008). Long-Term Effects of Stressors on Relationship Well-Being and Parenting Among Rural African American Women. Family Relations57(2), 117-127. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2008.00488.x


Owen, A., Thompson, M., Shaffer, A., Jackson, E., & Kaslow, N. (2009). Family Variables that Mediate the Relation Between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Child Adjustment. Journal Of Family Violence, 24(7), 433-445


Perkins, Emory, Dexter R. Voisin, and K. Brade-Stennis (2013). Sociodemographic factors associated with HIV status among African American women in Washington D.C. International Journal of Women’s Health, 3(5), 587-591


Pitner, R., Scott, L., & DeLoach, K. (2012). When Deficits are Misplaced: A Comparison Between African American and White College Students on Qualitative and Structural Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships. Journal Of African American Studies16(3), 511-536. doi:10.1007/s12111-011-9177-y


Stanley, A. (2010). Instead of Waiting for the Thirteenth Amendment: The War Power, Slave Marriage, and Inviolate Human Rights. American Historical Review, 115(3), 732-765.


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