Social Science – Philosophy Homework


Remember – these journal questions require more thinking than writing. Think about exactly what you are asked to do, and then write as economically as possible.


For this journal assignment, briefly answer each of the following prompts. For all instances where you are required to provide a definition, do not copy definitions from the text. Use your own words.

  • Self-Regulation

    • The textbook mentions the skill of self-regulation. How do you define this term? You may want to review Chapter 2 (to review critical thinking skills) before your write out your definition.
  • Sytem-1 and System-2

    • Define System-1 and System-2 thinking in your own words.
      • Give an example from your personal or work life where you would use each of them, explaining why each is appropriate to the situation in which you use it.
  • Heuristics

    • Define “heuristic” in your own words.
      • Give an example of a heuristic might be used in your personal or professional life and briefly show how it could have a positive or negative effect.
      • Do not use examples found in the text.
  • Dominance Structuring

    • Explain the term “dominance structuring” in your own words.
    • Is dominance structuring a positive or negative attribute of critical thinking? Explain.
      • Use examples if that is helpful to your explanation.
  • Cognitive Bias

    • Briefly examine what part you think mastery of facts and understanding of data have in avoiding cognitive bias in System-1 thinking.