Social Studies Differentiation Plan


Differentiation and modifications are an important component of preparing lesson plans that utilize strategies and resources aimed at identified student learning goals. It guides the teacher in creating differentiated instruction to meet the diverse needs of all students.

Part 1: Template

For this assignment, use the lesson plan information you have already been working with (including any revisions you would like to make) to complete the Social Studies Differentiation template that includes:

  • Social Studies and the arts standards and grade level
  • Learning objectives
  • 100-150 word description of the learning activity that integrates social studies and the arts
  • Instructional strategy
  • Using the “Class Profile,” select three students who are performing below or above grade level (at least one of each) and complete the template, describing how you will differentiate the instruction and assessment for the students.
  • Formative Assessment

Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the process of designing an activity that integrates both social studies and the arts, along with how the questioning strategies and differentiation techniques help enhance your learning activity. How can you collaborate with and incorporate the input, contributions, and knowledge of families, colleagues, and other professionals in order to meet the diverse needs of students?

Support your findings with at least two scholarly resources.