Sociological Topic 1 – Culture

Directions: For this assignment, you are required to read Horace Miners Body Ritual among the Nacerima.
After you have read the assigned reading, in 500 words (maximum), please answer the question(s) or statement below:
1. What does this article tell us about the outsiders perception of another culture?
2. How does the article affect our perception of anothers culture?
3. Miners article was written in 1956. Do Miners findings still apply today?
4. Which aspects about Nacerima culture has not changed and which are more prominent?
You are required to cite from the course textbook and the article Body Ritual among the Nacerima by Horace Miner.

Do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, or any other outside sources. Your paper must include 3 sociological terms (with in-text citations) from the textbook (in bold) and information from the course materials.

More importantly, your paper should display basic collegiate writing. This includes but is not limited to: utilizing correct grammar and punctuation, writing complete sentences, and proper levels of formality. 

Create a new document in Microsoft Word. Please be sure to format the document in 12-point, Arial or Times New Romans font, and single-spaced. 

Please be sure to follow all guidelines for assignment submissions as well as the late work policy. For more information regarding these policies, please refer to the syllabus. 

Article Link: