Read the following article (pdf is posted under the Readings folder on Canvas):
- Bruenig, Elizabeth. 2019. Want millennials to get married and have babies? Change the polices that stop us. Washington Post, May 29.
After reading the article, write a minimum of 1 page essay that answers the following three questions.
- According to Bruenig, why arent millennials getting married and having babies?
- What policies does Bruenig propose to increase marriage and birth rates for millennials?
- Do you agree with Bruenigs proposals, why or why not?
- Your paper should be essay format, 1 to 2 pages, double spaced, with 12-point font and blue or black ink. Please use a professional font (Garamond, Times New Roman, Cambria, Verdana are good fonts to use).
- Include a header with your name, the date, and the title of the course.
- Please include page numbers anywhere on your paper.
- You DO NOT need to include references or a works cited.