- Reflect on the significance of sociology in your personal experience.
- Specifically examine how the sociological imagination can be applied to help you understand the impact of sociology in your own life.
- Be sure to define sociology, the sociological imagination and social forces (e.g., culture, social structure, socialization or social institutions).
- Reflect on the relationship between the individual and society.
- At the microlevel, identify examples of either individual behaviors or personal experiences that carry significance.
- At the macrolevel, identify examples of either agents of socialization, large secondary groups or formal organizations that shape your individual behavior or personal experiences.
- Reflect on how sociological theory and research can be used to help you understand the relationship between individual and society.
- Which sociological theory (e.g., structural-functionalism, conflict perspective, symbolic-interactionism) can best be used to understand the relationship between individual and society? Why?
- Which research methodology (e.g., quantitative, qualitative) can best be used to understand the relationship between individuals and society? Which specific research methods would you use? Why?