Formatting Reminders(for full instructions and grading rubric, please review the SOSHTalk Discussion Board folder under “Week 3”)
- each post must be 200+ words
- APA citations and references are required for your initial post (and in response posts if material from the textbook or assigned web links is used)
- initial post (your response to the weekly Assignment) is due by Friday, your responses to classmate’s initial posts are due by Sunday; all posts are due on separate days – late posts will lose 5 points a day
- proof read and edit before uploading your posts
- include a Word Count (WC) for each post before your Reference(s)
- The is the aspirational belief in the US that all individuals are entitled to the opportunity for success and upward social mobility through hard work.
- Read Chapter 8, Stratification and Social Mobility in the US, in your text.
- Watch this video on
- Attend the Week 3 Keiser Live! session or view the recording
- Review the for instructions and examples of formatting in text citations and references. In-text citations go in the paragraph and the reference list is located after the Word Count at the end of your paper.
- Often the argument is made that people can be economically successful/secure in the US if they “just work hard enough.” From what you learned in the chapter and the American Dream video, how realistic is this belief?
- If someone made a comment about the poor being poor because they don’t work hard enough, what would you tell her/him from the chapter and the video to give provide a more accurate understanding about success, poverty, and mobility?