

1. A reporter from the New York Times is writing a story on health care costs.  She knows that you are a student in a medical sociology course and so wants to interview you.  Explain to the reporter 1) why health care costs are so high in the United States, 2) how we organize health care in our present system, 3) the financial and social costs of this organization and 4) describe one other type of health care system that might offer a better option. Remember that reporters often like short, concise answers.

Question 2 

You have been asked to be on a panel addressing issues of medical technology in the next decade. Identify and describe the three most important issues you would want to talk about during your five minute opening presentation.

 Question 3. You have been appointed to an American Medical Students Association task force to demand reform in medical education.  Your specific subcommittee is focused on the issue of professional socialization.  Outline how professional socialization (learning the ideology that dictates doctors values, attitudes, and behaviors toward patients, colleagues, and other health care workers) has operated historically.  Make recommendations for how to change the content of what medical students learn in the process of professional socialization. 

Based on your reading from the relevant module, how would you evaluate the Henrietta Lacks case during the time it occurred, applying the ethical principles in Codes and Guidelines for Ethical Research and Practice? Also, how would you evaluate it if it happened today?