
  Critical Thinking Activity: Follow these steps

  1. Go to this ink   this link provides you access to public data from the US Census Fact Finder. Here we are going to find the US population, the number of Blacks, and Whites in the US. Then we will examine the percentage of Blacks and Whites in the US in Poverty.
  2. Once you open the link click on the Advanced Search tab
  3. Click the Topics Tab, and then click Income and  Poverty, and then click Poverty.
  4. Click the Geography Tab and then click the Nation Tab, and then Click the US.
  5. Now look at the bottom of your screen and you should see a search tab click this.
  6. Next click the Table Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months
  7. Examine the table. You should see several rows and columns of information.
  8. On a word document put your name todays date and Week 3 Critical Thinking Activity 

Interpret the chart? What is the title of the Chart? Under the column with the word Label, the first row is population for who poverty status is reported. This is the US population. What is the total US population? Now scroll to the right and find the column Percent Below Poverty. What percentage of the US population is below poverty? Now scroll back to the column with the word Label and scroll down to the row sex and write down the number of men in the US, and the number of women in the US.  Scroll down to the row race and tell me how many Whites are in the US and how many Blacks are in the US. Then scroll over to column Percent Below Poverty and write down the percentage of Whites and Blacks in the US in poverty. With this information, consider the fact that there are proportionately more African Americans in poverty than Whites. Choose one of the theories described by Barrera to explain this difference?