

Critical Thinking Activity-Open a word document and put your name on it.

Open this link

 Review the Chart at the top entitled  “Racial, Ethnic Wealth Gaps Have Grown Since The Great Recession” 

Describe this chart in full detail. Start with the title of the Chart. How much wealth does each racial group have across the years listed on the chart?  What is the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in the US in 2007? What was the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in the US in 2013? What is the wealth gap between Whites and Hispanics in 2007 and what was it in 2013?  What do these numbers tell us about wealth in America? What theoretical explanation would you use to explain the wealth gaps between the races?

This information can be found on the PEW Researcher Center website. PEW Researcher Center  has all kinds of interesting facts about society.