
For Socrates, gaining wisdom about the true nature of virtue is the key to understanding how best to care for one’s soul. This is also the only genuine path toward real happiness for Socrates. These convictions (beliefs) leads Socrates to make two rather provocative claims:

1) No one knowingly does evil.

2) It is better to suffer [the consequences of other people’s] evil, than to do evil.

Choose one of these statements, and explain what it is about Socrates’ larger philosophical framework that leads him to make these claims. In other words, put them into the context of what you know about Socrates’ ideas so far. (The last few pages of the Soccio reading should be most relevant, as well as the M1-A video). Then, either defend Socrates’ this claim (again, choose one), or refute and critique this claim. Explain your position and perhaps give an example to support it.