socw lab project


  • Apply knowledge from residency to a social problem
  • Reflect and integrate residency material
  • Demonstrate key practice behaviors in a presentation


During the on-ground, residency portion of the Skills Lab I, you will have attended sessions covering topics relevant to generalist practice in social work. For this cumulative assignment, you join with a group of three to four students to create a presentation addressing a social problem from a generalist social work perspective. During the presentation, you and each group member are expected to demonstrate foundation-level practice skills. 

The presentation will be focused by each group on a relevant social issue chosen from one of the following broad topics below: 

“Youth violence in black population”

As part of the Final Project, you develop a PowerPoint presentation that includes key learnings from the residency experience. The presentation should include the following: 

  • Identification of the social problem with research supporting the background presented.
    • You must demonstrate that this social problem exists by communicating the number of those impacted and the impact on disenfranchised groups.
    • Include considerations of diversity and cultural awareness.
    • It is expected that research and supported data will be presented from appropriate sources (e.g., peer-reviewed studies or government websites). 
  • Discussion on how the social problem impacts society on all practice levels (micro, mezzo, and macro). Be sure to integrate evidence-based social work practice, research, and policy. 
  • Identification of how social workers can ameliorate or mitigate the social problem using social work skills. (Hint: Think about the generalist intervention model.) In the final presentation, you should include evidence-based practices (EBPs) and specific policy implications for your identified social problems. Make sure to provide citations and sources of support (specific journal articles) that support your choices.