
Pick 2 of these 3 to answer. 500 words each, 1000 words total

QUESTION: Describe the expansion of Spartan power in the Peloponnese and Greece during the Archaic Period (750-500 BC). What were some of the key events, methods, and policies that drove or limited it?

QUESTION: Discuss the nature and goals of the Lycurgan reforms as described in Plutarch’s Lycurgus and Xenophon’s Spartan Society. Include in your discussion at least three different aspects of the reforms (for example, constitutional, educational, ethical, land and labor, gender roles). Cite or quote from Plutarch or Xenophon as needed.

QUESTION: The movie 300 brings the Spartan legend to life for 21st century audiences. In what important ways are Spartan men, women and/or society accurately portrayed? In what important ways are they misrepresented? Cite or quote from ancient sources as needed.