Speech Observation Analysis on Texting and Driving


Texting and Driving Persuasive Speech https://youtu.be/Vc3ovSFpyEk

Please watch the Youtube view above and write a 2 page reflection paper analyzing the following:

I. The Speech Objectives

II. The Audience and Context for the Speech

III. Speech Content and Structure

A. Before the speech

B. The speech opening

C. The speech body

D. The speech conclusion

IV. Delivery skills and techniques

A. Enthusiasm and connection to the audience

B. Visual aids

C. Use of stage area

D. Physical – gestures and eye contact

E. Vocal variety

F. Language

V. Intangibles

A. How did the speech make you feel?

B. Were you convinced?

C. Would you want to listen to this speaker again?

D. Were there any original ideas or techniques you observed?

Method of Evaluation:

I. Organization

II. Grammar, spelling and typographical errors

III. Thoroughness

IV. Demonstration of effective critical thinking, observation, analysis and application of course materials throughout

V. References: Minimum of two scholarly references used (in addition to text); APA formatted reference page and in text citations used as needed.