Spiritual Conversation Paper

The spiritual conversation might be defined as those life issues that surface in normal, daily conversation, which sooner or later lends themselves to spiritual insights, interpretation, or talks about God and/or the Bible.  They might involve life-altering changes like birth, death, divorce, job termination, suffering, sickness, money issues, etc.  The Christian walk and Scripture have much to say about all these.

Reference Books:  UnChristian by David Kinnaman and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Write a 3-4 page paper answering the following questions.

Which of the authors concepts stand out to you and why?
What previous understandings of Christianity do you bring with you to this course, and how might Lewis complement or contrast those?
Do you agree or disagree with Lewis regarding what he has to say in his book and why?
How does the Lewis text relate to issues which may surface in spiritual conversation?
Make a list of those conversation topics in your home, school environment, or workplace that may lead toward spiritual conversation.

Scholarly academic resources using APA format.