sponsor packet

 create a sponsorship package for a new potential league sponsor.


You represent a professional sport league. A new computer company, HK Computers, is looking to gain market share against rivals such as Dell, Compaq, and Apple.

HK is new to the marketplace, so its brand is not as strong as those of the ones mentioned. HK thinks that its product is positioned as such because people do not view it as of the same quality as Dell, but it is of better quality and it offers laptops and tablets for professionals and desktops that are great for home use. HK wants to increase its brand awareness and increase sales and market share, and it wants people to use the computers so that they can see that they are better machines than the competitors’ machines.

Create a partnership package using your inventory and explain how the sponsorship package will meet HK’s needs. Your proposal package should address the following areas:

League Inventory

Target Markets

Product Positioning

Activation Strategies

Competition Considerations

Outcome Objectives


This assignment must follow current APA format and must be 48 pages. Your title page, abstract page, and reference page do not count towards the page total.