Spring Work

  From the Play Raisin in the Sun

1. TRACK this theme THROUGHOUT THIS PLAY:  Dignity & Pride

Cite or paraphrase three quotes from act 1 that exhibits it.

2. Ruth  SCENE 1-2

Inference: Who is more responsible Ruth or Walter? Why?

3. Walter SCENE 1

Walter and Ruth react differently when Travis asks for money for school.  What are Walter and Ruths attitude about money?

4. Travis SCENE 1

A. How is Travis struggling with living in poverty, paraphrase an example from the scene?

B. How is Travis attempting to pull his own weight?

C. What is Travis’s American Dream?

5. Beneatha SCENE 1-2

A. What is Beneathas take on what Mama should do with the Insurance money?

B. What is Beneatha’s American Dream:

C. Analyze this Quote why do you think Bennie feels this way about God & questions her faith?

D. BENEATHA: I mean it! Im just tired of hearing about God all the time. What has He got to do with anything? Does he pay tuition?

6. Mama  SCENE 1-2

A. What are 2 things MAMA WANTS TO DO with the Insurance money?

B. What is Mama’s American Dream:

7. Write a summary of Scene 1 & 2.  See attached.