startup 2



The basic structure of a story can be well understood by the concept of a “Hero’s Journey” as famously described by Joseph Campbell in the classic book “A Hero with a Thousand Faces.” Dan Harmon, creator of Rick and Morty, has created a popular, simplified version of this narrative structure that can help entrepreneurs write and share stories that get others engaged. This video does a great job of explaining how EVERY STORY follows a similar narrative structure.


You’ll use Harmon’s structure to write your story, and then share it with a few of your peers during our class session.

  1. Open and follow the instructions for completing this template – Startup Step 2 – What’s your story.docx Download Startup Step 2 – What’s your story.docx 
  2. Complete your responses under each prompt, and allow the document to expand as you type (likely 2-3 pages total – including the prompts – when completed)