

Write an introduction to this application. Discuss the random variable and the source of the sample data. Refer to the textbook or class notes to describe the basic components of the application and the statistical concepts that are applied. The introduction should be at least 50 words and be written with proper grammar and spelling.  

Write a summary of the application, considering the following topics. The summary should be at least 150 words and be written with proper grammar and spelling. Refer to the tables and graph (by label and number) throughout the summary. Connect the statistical information to the population that is being studied. Use the proper statistical terms and symbols in the summary. Write about the concepts in the application rather than the steps followed. 

Discuss the difference between population and sample values.
Describe the features of the histogram, including the shape of the distribution.
Discuss measures of center and variation as related to the sample data and the random 

Discuss characteristics of the sample data such as outliers and skewness, providing 

support and examples. Use both the histogram and measures of center to identify 

whether there is skewness.
Explain what these reveal to us about the population that is being studied.