Statistic Questions

Instruction: The final submission can either be in Excel or in this MS Word file or with both; your answers should be based analyzing the MS Excel file for 2021 Survey on Individual social media use under Exam 4; MS Excel file is organized with multiple datasheet for you in the the excel file. In this exam, you can treat ordinal variables as interval variables. 

1.  Please use any one variable to perform a one-sample t test with a population assumption would be close to the middle of the scale (for example, u=3.5 on a 7-likert scale). (Hint: Chapter 10 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Interval – One sample)

(a)  Please write down a research question for one-sample t test that you want to examine and then state the null and alternate hypotheses (5 points)?

(b)  Please organize the dataset with only the one variable that you want to examine and select a level of significance (5points)?

(c)  Decide on the test statistic and perform the test using hand or excel (hint: write the equation and calculate the statistic) (5 points)?

(d)  Whats your decision regarding the hypothesis and interpret the result using test-score rejection region rule or p value rule (5 points). 

2.  Please use any variables to examine whether there are differences between male and female respondents.

(a)  Please write down a research question for the test that you want to examine and then state the null and alternate hypotheses (5 points)? 

(b)  Please organize the dataset with only the one variable that you want to examine and select a level of significance (5points)?

(c)  Decide on the test statistic and perform the test using hand or excel (hint: write the equation and calculate the statistic) (5 points)?

(d)  Whats your decision regarding the hypothesis and interpret the result using test-score rejection region rule or p value rule (5 points). 

Hint: You should have two columns of data, with one column is gender (you could delete the responses that the gender answers are not female or male).

3.  Please Perform ANOVA One-Factor Analysis by doing the following (Hint: Chapter 12, ANOVA):

(a)  Please write down a research question for the test that you want to examine and then state the null and alternate hypotheses (5 points)? 

(b)  Please organize the dataset with only the one variable that you want to examine and select a level of significance (5points)?

(c)  Decide on the test statistic and perform the test using hand or excel (hint: write the equation and calculate the statistic) (5 points)?

(d)  Whats your decision regarding the hypothesis and interpret the result using test-score rejection region rule or p value rule (5 points). 


 i.  in Excel, you may use Sort function to select the data under different categories from the dataset, and then use the organized dataset with several column to perform the analysis.

 ii.  For one-way/factor ANOVA test, please watch the Excel and general video (s) under Chapter 12)

 iii.  You should have two columns of data, with one column is categorical variable (you could delete the responses that the gender answers are not female or male).

4.  Please Perform one Chi-square Test by doing the following (Hint: Chapter 15/17, Nonparametric Methods: Chi-Square):

(a)  Please write down a research question for the test that you want to examine and then state the null and alternate hypotheses (5 points)? 

(b)  Please organize the dataset with only the one variable that you want to examine and select a level of significance (5points)?

(c)  Decide on the test statistic and perform the test using hand or excel (hint: write the equation and calculate the statistic) (5 points)?

(d)  Whats your decision regarding the hypothesis and interpret the result using test-score rejection region rule or p value rule (5 points). 


 i.  in Excel, you may use PivotTable function to build your contingency table from the dataset, and then use the table to perform the analysis. See Video under Chapter 1: How to build a PivotTable in Excel (optional):

 ii.  For Chi-square test, please watch the video under Chapter 15/17:: Chi-Square Test  (Test of Contingency Table or Test for Independence) In Excel using data analysis) 

5.  Please Perform regression analysis by doing the following (Hint: Chapter 13 on simple regression and 14 on multiple regression):

a. Write down potential questions that you could answer using regression analysis for the socialmedia_2021.xls dataset (5 points);

b. Perform one simple regression using any two reasonable variables from the socialmedia_2021.xls dataset (two quantitative variables) and interpret the analysis results (5 points); 

c. Add one or more quantitative variable to the analysis in #b, perform one multiple regression analysis (5 points)

d. Interpret your findings from the multiple regression analysis (5 points). 


 i.  In Excel, you may copy the columns of the variables you want to analyze from the socialmedia_2021.xls dataset and paste them next to each other in a new datasheet. 

 ii.  Be sure to be clear about which is your dependent variable and and which is (are) independent variable (s)

 iii.  For simple regression analysis, please watch the video under Chapter 13: simple regression basics (Excel): and its interpretation explanation  of simple regression. 

 iv.  For multiple regression analysis, please watch the video under Chapter 14: Multiple regression analysis using Excel and Multiple regression analysis interpretation).