

The normal distribution has a wide variety of applications. It is a useful model for many phenomena in finances, sciences, politics, demographics, and virtually any other area of human inquiry. If you’ve ever heard someone speak of the “bell curve,” you’ve heard that person talking about the normal distribution. However, the normal distribution does not describe all data; there are many other distributions.

Give an example of an application that uses the normal distribution. Describe why the normal distribution is a good representation for this data.

Give an example of an application that does not follow the normal distribution. Explain why the normal distribution is not a good fit for this data.

Describe how you might determine whether or not a particular set of data is normal if you arent sure.

Be sure to defend and support your examples and remember to properly cite your sources according to APA guidelines. You may draw on any book, article, website, or other reliable resource in answering this question