statistics in health


Use the following set of values, along with 10 that you find yourself, to create the data 60 62 64 66 66 67 68 68 70 71.

Step 1: Gather 10 MORE of your own to add to the 10 provided above.  Do the following:

Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Determine the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values by using the Excel spreadsheet A. Post a screen shot of the portion of the spreadsheet that helped you determine these values. How does your height compare to the mean (average) height of the 20 values? Is your height taller, shorter, or the same as the mean of the sample?

Step 2: Give some background information on the group of people you used in your study. You might consider using the following questions to guide your answer.

1. How did you choose the participants for your study? What was the sampling method: systematic, convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random?

2. What part of the country did your study take place in?

3. What are the age ranges of your participants?

4. How many of each gender did you have in your study?

5. What are other interesting factors about your group?

Step 3: Use the Excel spreadsheet B for the following.

:(Use the Empirical Rule tab from the spreadsheet). Determine the 68%, 95%, and 99.7% values of the Empirical Rule in terms of the 20 heights in your height study.

: What do these values tell you?

: Post a screen shot of your work from the Excel spreadsheet B.

:(Use the normal probability tab from the spreadsheet). Based on your study results, what percent of the study participants are shorter than you? What percent are taller than you?

: Post a screen shot of your work from the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet.

Provide 2 references.