Strategic Leadership – Activity 2


Consolidated Products is a medium-sized manufacturer of consumer products. Ben Samuels was a plant manager who was well liked by employees. They were grateful for the fitness center, picnics, and holiday parties. Ben believed it was important to treat employees properly so they would have a sense of loyalty. Under Ben, the plant had the lowest turnover but the second worst record for costs and production levels. He was asked to take early retirement and Phil Jones replaced him. Phil had a reputation as a manager who could get things done. Supervisors were instructed to establish high-performance standards. Costs were cut by trimming the fitness center, picnics and parties, and training. Phil believed that if workers did not want to work, the company should get rid of them.


  1. Compare the leadership traits and behaviors of Ben Samuels and Phil Jones.
  2. Which leader do you think is more effective? Why? Which leader would you prefer to work for?
  3. If you were Phil Jones boss, what would you do now?