Strategic Management

Please read Case 11(C-147) part 4, case studies Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller and write a paper with a minimum of five APA formatted pages. 

Please provide at least six (6) peer-reviewed resources in support of your arguments. 

After your learnt about the case study of Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller, provide written CLA1 by answering the followings:

 Write a summary of the case as introduction of your paper

 Why offshore drilling?

 Offshore drilling typically used three types, what are the three types of offshore drilling?

 What was the reason for the fall of the company’s stock in 2014? 

 Was the fall of the company’s stock related to the movement of Global Oil prices?

 Was collaboration with Chevron a wise move for the company?

 What were the challenges:

 Competition in the market including the supply of shale oil, 

 Technological challenges, and 

 Dealing with fluctuations in the international oil prices 

Note; Plz go through the attached file for case study