Its a team project and need to cover only the below sections
1) What social forces affect the industry?
EXPECTATIONS : A thorough and detailed assessment of social forces is provided
Each force is explained clearly, with an in-depth explanation of how it affects the industry
Multiple sources (not including the textbook) are provided.
2) What technological forces affect the industry?
EXPECTATIONS :A thorough and detailed assessment of technological forces is provided
Each force is explained clearly, with an in-depth explanation of how it affects the industry
Multiple sources (not including the textbook) are provided
3) Who has succeeded and failed in the industry, and why?
EXPECTATIONS :Successful and failed companies are identified, along with reasons for their success/failure
A list of CSFs is provided, each linked to one or more examples of success or failure
4) What is the current firmlevel strategy?
EXPECTATIONS :Corporate profile is identified and supported
Corporate (firm) strategy is identified and supported in detail
5) What is the current business-level strategy?
EXPECTATIONS :Business strategy is identified according to Porters typology
Business strategy is identified according to Miles and Snows typology
The uniqueness of the strategy beyond the typologies is discussed
6) What are the business strategies of the major competitors?
EXPECTATIONS :One of the two typologies applied in the previous step is applied to the industry
Sufficient supporting evidence for each strategy assigned
A graphic is provided to illustrate the strategic groups
7) What is the current marketing (functional) strategy?
EXPECTATIONS :A thorough discussion of the marketing strategy of the company organized along the 4 Ps
Make sure:
1. Your paper is no more than Four pages of content, not including the cover page
2. Content: The essay answers the question clearly with sufficient explanation. It reflects original thought, sound logic and provides ample supporting detail, which needs references and citations. This will make for a strong, convincing response. The writer projects a consistent and mature voice throughout the response.
3. Your paper is double spaced and use the APA style to organize your submission,
4. There is a running title on each page, and Pages are numbers.
5. Sentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling
6. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.
7. All citations and references are properly formatted according to APA or MLA.