Strayer JWMI575 Assignment 2: Case Study – Ockham Technologies: Living on the Razor’s Edge

Assignment 2: Case Study – Ockham Technologies: Living on theRazor’s EdgeDue Week 6 Day 7 (Weight: 17%)Referencing the Ockham Technologies: Living on the Razor’s Edge case study write a 5 page paper in which you do the following:1. Determine how the current fund-raising efforts will affect the formation of Ockham’s board of directors.2. Determine which board-related factors Triandiflou should consider when deciding which financing offer to accept.3. Discuss how you would handle the increasing tension between you and Mike Meisenheimer if you were Jim Triandiflou.4. Determine if Ockham should outsource its system-development efforts and if so to which company and if not how it should it complete development of the system for IBM.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:• Typed double-spaced using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow JWMI style guide and writing format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment the student’s name the professor’s name the course title and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.The following are specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment:• Synthesize the basic components of a business plan.• Evaluate the competitive landscape sales and distribution channels for new business ventures.• Use technology and information resources to research issues in new business ventures and entrepreneurship.• Write clearly and concisely about new business ventures and entrepreneurship using proper writing mechanics.Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality logic/organization of the paper and language and writing skills using the following grading criteria. Weight: 17%Assignment 2: Ockham Technologies: Living on the Razor’s EdgeCriteriaUnsatisfactoryLow PassPassHigh PassHonors1. Determine how the current fundraising efforts will affect the formation of Ockham’s board of directors.Weight: 20%Did not submit or incompletely determined how the current fund-raising efforts will affect the formation of Ockham’s board of directors.Partially determined how the current fundraising efforts will affect the formation of Ockham’s board of directors.Satisfactorily determined how the current fundraising efforts will affect the formation of Ockham’s board of directors.Completely determined how the current fundraising efforts will affect the formation of Ockham’s board of directors.Exemplarily determined how the current fundraising efforts will affect the formation of Ockham’s board of directors.2. Determine which boardrelated factors Triandiflou should consider when deciding which financing offer to accept.Weight: 20%Did not submit or incompletely determined which boardrelated factors Triandiflou should consider when deciding which financing offer to accept.Partially determined which boardrelated factors Triandiflou shouldconsider when deciding which financing offer to accept.Satisfactorily determined which boardrelated factors Triandiflou should consider when deciding which financing offer to accept.Completely determined which boardrelated factors Triandiflou should consider when deciding which financing offer to accept.Exemplarily determined which boardrelated factors Triandiflou shouldconsider when deciding which financing offer to accept.3. Discuss how you would handle the increasing tension between you and Mike Meisenheimer if you wereJimTriandiflou.Weight: 20%Did not submit or incompletely discussed how you would handle the increasing tension between you and Mike Meisenheimer if you were Jim Triandiflou.Partially discussed how you would handlethe increasing tension between you and Mike Meisenheimer if you wereJimTriandiflou.Satisfactorily discussed how you would handle the increasing tension between you and Mike Meisenheimer if you wereJimTriandiflou.Completely discussed how you would handle the increasing tension between you and Mike Meisenheimer if you wereJimTriandiflou.Exemplarily discussed how you would handle the increasing tension between you and Mike Meisenheimer if you wereJimTriandiflou.Weight: 17%Assignment 2: Ockham Technologies: Living on the Razor’s EdgeCriteriaUnsatisfactoryLow PassPassHigh PassHonors4. Determine if Ockham should outsource its systemdevelopment efforts and if so to which company andif not how it should it complete development of the system for IBM.Weight: 30%Did not submit or incompletely determined ifOckham should outsource its systemdevelopment efforts and if so to which company andif not how it should it complete development of the system for IBM.Partially determined ifOckham shouldoutsource its systemdevelopment efforts and if so to whichcompany and if not how it shouldit complete development of the system for IBM.Satisfactorily determined ifOckham shouldoutsource its systemdevelopment efforts and if so to which company andif not how it should it complete development of the system for IBM.Completely determined ifOckham shouldoutsource its systemdevelopment efforts and if so to which company andif not how it should it complete development of the system for IBM.Exemplarily determined ifOckham shouldoutsource its systemdevelopment efforts and if so to which company andif not how it should it complete development of the system for IBM.5. Clarity logic and writing mechanics.Weight: 10%Multiple mechanical errors or much of the text isdifficult tounderstand andfails to follow formatting instructions. The text does not flow.Several mechanical errors make parts of the text difficult for the readerto understand; the text does not flow or the discussionfails to justify conclusions and assertionsMore than a few mechanical errors; text flows but lacksconcisenessor clarity; assertions and conclusions are generally justified and explained.Few mechanical errors; text flows and concisely andclearly expresses the student’sposition in a manner that rationally andlogically develops the topics.No mechanical errors; text flows and concisely andclearly expresses the student’sposition in an exemplary manner that rationally andlogically develops the topics.