

  1. Go to the page. 
  2. Based on your major or potential career, click on one of the 7 pathways: and Skilled Trades, , , s, , or .
  3. For example, if your major (pathway) is , you will fit into the and the pathways. 
  4. Based on the information you find regarding skills people in your pathway or major tend to have, please submit a one page reflection as a word document on your skills by answering this question: What are some skills you can develop in your pathway? Remember that skills can be developed. For example, Math takes problem solving skill and one can develop this skill by developing study skills and good to succeed in Math or any class especially if we seek extra help or make tutoring or visiting the on campus study hallLinks to an external site. a regular study habit. 
  5. List your top 5 strenghts on your reflection and tell me how you think you can apply your top 5 CLIFTONSTRENGTHS to increase the skills needed to succeed on your career pathway and why?
  6. Do you think skills and strenghts are the same or related?  
  7. Watch the Want to Bring Out the Best in People? Start With Strengths TEDx talk to help to help you with this project. 