Strepsirhine Questions

Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. Copying from the textbook will not be enough to get a high grade

1. Over the next few weeks we will be studying different groups within the Order Primates. What are the names of the two main groups (suborders) of primates? When does genetic (molecular) evidence suggest these groups last shared a common ancestor?

2. What are the names of the primate groups within the suborder Strepsirrhini? List and describe the primitive traits of this suborder. List and describe the derived traits of this suborder.

3. Describe the ecological and behavioral characteristics of the Strepsirhine primates.

Lemurs (from Chapter 5 and the video clips)
4. Describe the characteristics (physical and behavioral) of the Lemurs. Use information from both the textbook and videos.

5. What are the 5 Surprising Facts about Lemurs from the video?

6. Watch the video about the aye-aye and describe what it eats and how it gets its food.

7. Lemurs are only found on the island of Madagascar (off the southeast coast of Arica), and have evolved into an incredibly diverse group due to the varied resources and limited competition on the island. What are some examples of Lemur species? In addition to primates, what other species on the island of Madagascar are at risk of extinction due to habitat destruction?

Lorises, Pottos, Galagos (from Chapter 5 and the video clips)
8. What are significant differences in the environments of lorises, pottos, and galagos compared to lemurs? Describe the major differences in the characteristics between these three primates and the lemurs.

9. Describe the characteristics of the loris from the videos.

10. Describe the characteristics of the galago from the video.

Here is the video

Strepsirhine Characteristics

5 Surprising Facts about Lemurs

Ring-Tailed Lemurs and Scent-Marking

Indri Lemurs and Locomotion

Mouse Lemurs


Endangered Species of Madagascar


Slow Loris

Galagos (Bush Babies) [NOTE  galagos  are  not  monkeys,  and neither  are  humans!]

Outstanding work with thorough, detailed, and clearly written answers