Studies in Social Psycology

Step 1: Select a social psychological experiment or study from the list below, or search the web and identify one that compels you.  If you decide to search the web and identify one not on the list below, please make sure the experiment or study was conducted by a university, college, or credible entity.

Robbers Cave Experiment (1954)

Clark Doll Study (1940)

A Class Divided Experiment (1968)

Asch Conformity Study (1951)

Bobo Doll Experiment (1961 – 1963)

The Marshmallow Test Experiment (1972)

The Stanford Prison Experiment (1971)

The Milgrim Experiment (1961)

The Car Crash Experiment (1974)

The Violinist in the Metro Study (2007)

The BBC Prison Study (2002)

The Case of Kitty Genovese (1964)

The Halo Effect Study (1977)

Step 2: Conduct web research to explore what happened in the experiment or study, the findings of the experiment or study, and the flaws and/or criticisms of the experiment or study. 

Step 3:  Based on your textbook readings and web research, compose a post that responds to the following:

  • Explain the study or experiment you selected, describing what happened in the experiment or study.  Also, explain any conclusions drawn based on the experiment or study.  Next, identify flaws and/or criticism of the experiment or study.
  • Based on this module’s readings, select at least *two* concepts in social psychology and explain how the dynamics associated with both concepts influenced the participants in the study or experiment you selected.
  • Explain the ways in which the findings from the study or experiment you selected are relevant today or are no longer relevant today.  In your explanation, try to avoid opinion only; instead, conduct web research to include relevant statistics or a more recent study that replicated the findings of the study or experiment you selected.
  • Include the links from your sources.