Study of the “Fall of the Warrior King”

Assignment Instructions: Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in L110, L211, and L308; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, read the case study Fall of the Warrior King (attached), and analyze the concepts you
read about civil-military relations, organizational stress, and leadership in Irregular Warfare and answer the questions below.

1. Identify some of the operational and combat stress reactions of the organization and what the SGM could have done to assist the commander in developing a resilient organization (L211-attached).

2. Describe Irregular Warfare and how the organization’s actions have an impact on the local population and its ability to conduct operations. (L308-attached)

3. After examining this case study, analyze and describe civil-military relations and the role of the Sergeant Major in civil-military relations. Finally, describe how the Sergeant Major can assist in restoring military professionalism to the organization to gain the American people’s trust. (L110-attached)

* Note as you write this case study, it is imperative that you discuss concepts and theories that you read about and demonstrate your ability to analyze a situation and apply the relevant leadership competencies and attributes.

** There is no maximum page or word count (you are expected to adhere to current APA standards in the overall format of your case study i.e., cover page, reference page
if required) associated with this case study. However, the quality of your responses will impact your final outcome. Use four to five properly cited sources during the course of the study.

However, you are expected to write thorough and comprehensive, focused, structured, documented, and well-presented material.