Successful schools engage their community stakeholders and capitalize on building relationships that are mutually beneficial and promote student development and success. Creating effective oral, written, and digital messaging that advocates for the needs of the school and fosters positive working relationships between all stakeholders is a crucial component of successful leadership.
For this assignment, assume you are the principal of the school where you currently work or the school where you are most interested in working. You previously established the following goals for the school year, shared them with teachers and staff, and identified specific strategies that would be used by all teachers and staff to support and attain the goals:
Part 1: Program/Event Materials
Plan a program or event designed to engage the community in meeting the established goals, and then prepare the following items to support the program/event:
- Create the informational materials you will use to communicate information about the program/event to the community and your teachers and staff. Your previously outlined goals and your rationale for how the event/program will help you meet the goals should be part of these communications. Include the links to one video and one written social media post and a flyer, brochure, website landing page, or email that will be used to communicate the information.
- Create an action plan for the program/event that outlines the pre-planning you will need to do, the agenda that will be followed for the program/event, and the post-program/event data you will collect from all event participants.
Part 2: Rationale I will do the video
In a 2-3 minute video that could be shared with all community stakeholders, provide a rationale for the program/event you have designed. The rationale should include family-friendly language and should address the following.
- Explain how the proposed event/program models and supports the virtues valued by the community and cultivates relationships with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies for the benefit of school improvement and student development.
- Describe how the proposed event/program fosters positive working relationships within the educational community, including feeder and connecting schools and district administration, for enrollment management and curricular and instructional articulation to promote student development and success.
- Explain how the event supports student learning and promotes the mission and vision of the school.