Summary of McDonald’s essay

Please work with your group to summarize Bill McDonalds article. Your summary should be two pages (600-650 words) long, in MLA format, listing the name of each participant in your breakout room who attended and contributed for the entire session. 

  1. To begin your summary, tell who wrote the essay, the name of the essay, and what the writers main point or project is.  You should be able to do this is one short paragraph.  (For example: In his essay, Is it Too Late to Educate the Eye?: David Lurie, Richard of St. Victor, and vision as eros in Disgrace Coetzee scholar Bill McDonald claims David Lurie, the main character of Coetzees Disgrace, goes through a significant change. One understand this change more fully by understanding the writings of Richard of St. Victor, an eleventh century mystic and the object of one of Luries three books, mentioned in the opening of Coetzees novel.)
  2. The second paragraph of your summary might briefly explain Richard of St. Victors work and how it relates to Disgrace. You will want to limit this to 1-2 very short paragraphs.
  3. In your third section you might explain the history of the visionary and mysticism in Coetzees body of work. Again one paragraph is all you will want to use.
  4. Next in THREE paragraphs you might tell McDonalds main case or argument for a change in Luriethe three great visions, explaining the arc or change apparent in each vision.
  5. Finally you will want to summarize McDonalds conclusionwhat McDonald sees as the relationship between erotic vision, aesthetics (or appreciation of beauty), and ethical action. This could be done in one paragraph.

Have you clearly identified McDonald, the name of his essay, the topic of his essay, and the claim he makes about the topic?10 points

Have you given a concise overview of McDonalds methodology, identifying Richard St. Victor and why he is important to McDonalds analysis of David Luries character?10 points

Have you reviewed all three of the visions McDonald lists as evidence of a change?10 points 

Have you delivered the above content in less than two pages?10 points 

Is your summary edited and organized? In MLA format? Any grammar errors? Good paragraph divisions? Etc.10 points