Summer 2021 – InfoTech in a Global Economy (ITS-832-M21) – Full Term

Submission Date : May 21st 2021


Residency Assignment

Research Paper

As we have discussed in class, Blockchain is a rapidly emerging technology that will disrupt global business.

Write a paper that explores in detail how blockchain will revolutionize a particular area of business. Do NOT choose cryptocurrency or supply chain for your business vertical.


  • Length
    • Minimum 10 pages / Maximum 20 pages
    • The title page and references pages do not count towards the       page length requirements.
    • Double spaced
    • Times New Roman Font 
  • APA style ()      
  • At least 5 works cited 
  • At least 2 of your references have to be scholarly      peer-reviewed articles
  • Research paper will be checked for plagiarism so be sure to      correctly cite your sources!

Research Presentation

  • Goal is to summarize your research paper
  • PowerPoint Presentation is required and must be submitted      inside of iLearn
  • Must present for at least 10 minutes but no more than 15      minutes
  • All group members need to      participate in the presentation